Franciscan University of Steubenville Establishes Christian Association of Student Entrepreneurs
Students to lead the way in promoting Christian entrepreneurship among future business professionals
October 14, 2014

STEUBENVILLE, OHIO—Franciscan University of Steubenville’s Department of Accounting, Business Administration, and Economics recently announced a new direction for a long-standing student business organization. The newly formed Christian Association of Student Entrepreneurs (CASE) will engage and inspire students with entrepreneurial activities that unite the principles of Christianity and the free enterprise system.

CASE is an outgrowth of former Franciscan University student organizations, previously known as SIFE and Enactus, which received five awards in the past 10 years in regional competitions with other colleges and universities.

“The free enterprise system, when it places Christ in the center of the community, is the best means to improve the lives of citizens,” said Dr. Thomas Kelly, accounting professor and CASE faculty director. “By establishing CASE, Franciscan University has decided to lead the way in promoting Christian entrepreneurship among future business professionals. Looking ahead, we plan to invite other colleges and universities to join us in this cause.”

Many of CASE’s activities will help the community by promoting entrepreneurship. Project Bootstraps will provide guidance to start-up and small businesses in the Ohio Valley. Fundraising activities will benefit the AIM Women’s Center, the Steubenville Urban Mission, and the Just $1 for Africa campaign. Educational outreach includes sponsoring distinguished business leader presentations and activities at local elementary and high schools that promote free enterprise and Christian moral principles.

Toni Brown, an international business and Spanish major, said, “This is exactly the kind of organization I hoped to join when I came here. It will enable students to combine what they learn about faith and reason in the classroom with real world business and social entrepreneurship activities.”

For more information about the Christian Association of Student Entrepreneurs, contact Dr. Thomas Kelly at 740-284-5806 or [email protected].

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