Free Conference Talks
No registration is required for either talk.
July 07, 2014

STEUBENVILLE, OH The evening sessions of the final two Adult Summer Conferences to be held this summer at Franciscan University of Steubenville are free and open to the public:

Applied Biblical Studies Conference, Thursday, July 24,7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Following praise and worship the talk “Praise and Thanksgiving Which Leper Are You?” will be given by Jeff Cavins, author of the Bible study program The Great Adventure:A Journey Through the Bible. A Holy Hour will follow with Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, SJ, of the Archdiocese of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Defending the Faith Conference, Saturday, July 26,7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Praise and worship will be followed by a talk by Dr. ScottHahn,titled, “Saints and Angels: Holy and Heroic Help.” Hahn is the Father Michael Scanlan, TOR, Professor of Biblical Theology and the new Evangelization at Franciscan University and the author or editor of more than 40 books. The evening will conclude with a Holy Hour with Father Shawn Roberson, TOR, director of the Priestly Discernment Program at Franciscan University.

Registration is not required to attend either session. To learn more about attending an entire conference, call the Franciscan University Christian Outreach Office at 1-800-437-8368 or go to the Steubenville Conferences website.

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