February 12, 2025
STEUBENVILLE, OHIO – On February 5, Franciscan University of Steubenville blessed a newly established off-campus residence for pregnant students called the Guadalupe House. The initiative will provide pregnant students who are enrolled at Franciscan University a nurturing and faith-filled environment, and the practical support they need to continue their education during their pregnancy.
Although no pregnant students currently reside in the home, Franciscan administrators believe it is important to make this option available to current and prospective students who are expectant mothers.
“Knowing past students who could have benefited from a home like this made it clear the University had to come up with a better way to support a student living through an unplanned pregnancy,” said Dr. Daniel Dentino, vice president of Student Life. “Guadalupe House will allow us to provide practical and pastoral support to young moms and to extend Franciscan’s commitment to human life from conception to natural death.”
Located near campus, Guadalupe House offers pregnant mothers enrolled at Franciscan University the opportunity to stay at the house for up to two semesters for the current on-campus housing rate. The residence provides stability while students pursue their academic and personal goals, ensuring the women receive both practical assistance and spiritual care.
The home was generously donated to the University by Heather and Doug Perry who had previously run it as the Ad Gentes Mission house, a home base for American missionary groups, many composed of Franciscan students and alumni serving throughout the world.
“After we decided to close the Ad Gentes Misson in 2023, I knew the Lord was asking me to find another purpose for this home to continue serving in a missionary capacity,” Heather Perry said. “For years, the University had an obvious desire to meet the unique needs of students who might find themselves with an unexpected pregnancy. It was clear the Lord was answering my prayer to find a new purpose for the mission house as well as President Father Dave Pivonka’s hope to meet the needs of some of his students.”
Residents of Guadalupe House will benefit from a range of services, including a private room; material assistance such as diapers, baby clothing, and nursery furniture; kitchen access; a washing machine and dryer; and support from an on-site residence coordinator.
“We are truly grateful for the generous gift of Heather and Doug Perry. Guadalupe House allows us to live our pro-life mission in a very practical way and is another example of how the University can ‘Be Light’ in service to our students, especially those who may be most in need,” Dentino said.
The Guadalupe House officially opened with a home blessing led by Father Jonathan St. André, TOR, vice president of Franciscan Life. Father St. André explained the choice of Our Lady of Guadalupe as the home’s patron saint.
“Our Lady of Guadalupe reminds us of the gift of life, the gift of pregnancy, and the gift of mothers. She reminds us to care for those who are often marginalized,” he said. “We are honored to be able to name this house in her honor, asking her care and patronage for our students who are pregnant, and reminding us to care for them in the best way possible while they complete their education at Franciscan University.”
For more information, email [email protected].
To view photos from the Guadalupe House dedication and house blessing, click here: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjC2cQ7