How to Be Catholic in Hollywood
Barbara Nicolosi and Vicki Peterson will discuss “Being Catholic in Hollywood Today.”
March 07, 2014

STEUBENVILLE, OHIO — What opportunities are available in Hollywood to create content that reflects Catholic values?

On Wednesday, March 19, Barbara Nicolosi and Vicki Peterson will discuss “Being Catholic in Hollywood Today.” The talk and information session will take place at 8:30 p.m. in Anathan Theatre, ground floor of Egan Hall, at Franciscan University of Steubenville.

Bringing more than 30 years of combined experience in the Hollywood film and television industry, Nicolosi and Peterson will give a brief presentation on current trends in visual storytelling and what these trends mean for contemporary culture, and they will take questions from the audience.

Topics will include what areas of the film industry Catholics can impact most, how to get started in Hollywood, and why Hollywood is suddenly making so many Bible films.

Nicolosi is the founder and chair emeritus of Act One, Inc., a nonprofit program that trains and mentors Christians for careers as Hollywood writers and executives. She currently serves as executive director of the Galileo Studio at Azusa Pacific University.

Peterson is a screenwriter and the former director of both the Writing for Film and Television Program and Producing and Entertainment Executive Program at Act One, Inc.

Nicolosi and Peterson are also founding partners of Catharsis, LLC, a consulting and training company that serves writers and producers in Hollywood. Their upcoming book, Story Notes, will be available in January 2015.

The talk and information session, which is sponsored by the Communication Arts Department, is free and open to the public.

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