I Love Franciscan!
Live. Love. Give. From March 16-27, 2015, and help 12 students finish their Franciscan education.
March 11, 2015

A kind professor, an amazing Festival of Praise, a great mission trip, Austria—one way or another you’ve found a reason to say “I love Franciscan.”

From March 16-27, Franciscan University is hosting I Love Franciscan, an opportunity for alumni and the Franciscan family around the world to come together through social media and share their love for Franciscan University of Steubenville. You can participate in this 12-day event in three ways:

  1. Live. Do acts of kindness in the name of St. Francis and Franciscan University.
  2. Love. Tell the world why you love Franciscan in status updates, pictures, and videos, using #ILoveFranciscan, or email them to [email protected].
  3. Give. Make a Donation of any size to help 12 students who would otherwise be unable to finish their Franciscan education. Our goal is to receive 800 gifts of any size to support our students.

We’ve set up an I Love Franciscan website, a Facebook Page and a Twitter Feed @ILoveFranciscan to help share the love. Send us your stories, pictures, and videos, or use the #ILoveFranciscan hashtag in social media and we’ll share your story!

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