Inaugural President’s Circle Meeting Offers University Benefactors Information, Inspiration
June 30, 2015

STEUBENVILLE, OH—Members of the President’s Circle, a group of Franciscan University alumni, parents, and friends supporting Father Sean O. Sheridan, TOR, president of Franciscan University, in his vision for the school, gathered for an inaugural meeting on campus June 27-28.

The two days of information and inspiration afforded University benefactors an opportunity to speak with Father Sheridan and University administrators about a range of topics including the University’s current events and future plans. Participants also witnessed Franciscan’s evangelization efforts in action at the Youth Conference for high school students also held on campus that weekend.

During the meeting, Father Sheridan outlined the University’s history, beginning with its humble founding as the College of Steubenville in 1946 with 258 students. He spoke of the ongoing development that brought the University to where it is today and discussed plans to move the University forward by continually “restoring all things in Christ.” Participants then discussed current issues such as the recent Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage and its potential impact on the University and on the President’s Circle members’ businesses.

Following Father Sean, David Skiviat, vice president of Finance and Administration, detailed ongoing plans for Franciscan Square, a new commercial development on University Boulevard across from the main entrance to Franciscan University. Steubenville’s largest commercial development in decades, Franciscan Square will include a Best Western Plus University Inn, two potential restaurants, and possibly retail and office space. It is meant to provide a welcoming gateway for the University as well and community.

Father Nathan Malavolti, TOR, vice president of Pastoral Care and Evangelization, spoke about the positive results of Franciscan’s evangelization efforts with its students. He remarked on the increase in Mass attendance on campus and the growing numbers of students participating in mission trips and outreaches. Additionally, he noted the positive impact of this year’s summer conferences, which will minister to 50,000 youth and 3,500 adults at conferences held on campus and in 11 states and 2 Canadian provinces.

Following the meeting, most participants attended Jackie Francois Angel’s talk on “Limitless Love,” delivered to the 2,000-plus teenagers at the Youth Conference. The next day at the conference Mass, President’s Circle members witnessed hundreds of teenagers respond to the vocations call issued by Steubenville Bishop Jeffrey Monforton and gather near the altar to show their openness to religious life or the priesthood.

President’s Circle member Susan Thomas said she and her husband, Mark, truly enjoyed the weekend. “We really appreciated the opportunity to hear about some of the plans for the future of the University. We are certainly praying about how and at what level we can be involved,” she said.

She added that she and Mark were impressed by the enthusiasm and reverence of the teenagers at the Youth Conference. “The students from our parish related that it was a very meaningful and moving experience in deepening their faith,” she said.

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