Polish Director to Screen Pro-Life Documentary
The film is about a pro-life activist who has endured jail many times.
January 21, 2015

STEUBENVILLE, OH—Award-winning Polish director, screenwriter, and scholar Grzegorz Braun tells the compelling story of Canadian pro-life activist, Mary Wagner, in his film, Not About Mary Wagner. The documentary will be shown on Saturday, January 24, at 7:00 p.m. in Franciscan University’s Anathan Theatre, lower level of Egan Hall. Admission is free and open to the public, with a reception directly following the screening.

Mary Wagner, the heroine of Braun’s 2014 film, is described as a saintly, 40-year-old Catholic, pro-life prisoner of conscience who has been arrested numerous times for trying to persuade women in abortion clinic waiting rooms to keep their children. One of these arrests led to Wagner spending two years in an Ontario jail.

Braun is known for his writings, speeches, and lectures, but above all for his documentaries in which he criticizes the Polish, Post-Communist administration. Even though these works have been banned from Polish Public Television, they continue to be seen by thousands at independent screenings and through the Internet.

Braun is the son of acclaimed Polish writer, director, and scholar, Dr. Kazimierz Braun, who is the author of more than 30 books, dramas, and novels, and who in April 2010 directed the play The Book of Christopher Columbus at Franciscan University.

This screening is sponsored by the Department of Classics, Fine Arts, and Academic Affairs.

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