Steubenville Encounter: A New Kind of Adult Conference
Conferences will be held in Houston, Fort Worth, Steubenville, and Milwaukee
June 27, 2018

STEUBENVILLE, OHIO—Franciscan University of Steubenville has announced a new adult conference—Steubenville Encounter—designed to bring adults into a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and help them live as disciples of Christ.

Aimed at adults, Steubenville Encounter will be similar in evangelistic energy to the popular Steubenville Youth Conferences, with inspiring talks, Mass, eucharistic adoration, praise and worship, breakout sessions, and confession. Families are welcome, as each Encounter weekend includes special sessions for children with age-appropriate teaching, prayer, and engaging activities.

The main talks are geared for adults, post-college and beyond, and will focus on the relevant life issues that adults face daily.

We created this type of conference because we received a lot of feedback from youth ministers, volunteers, and parents who came to our youth conferences and said they wanted a similar experience but geared toward adults,” said Mark Joseph, executive director of Franciscan University’s Christian Outreach Office.

One thing that makes Steubenville Encounter unique is our emphasis on discipleship: specifically, what does it mean to follow the Lord and what does it mean to form other disciples. We want to empower and equip those coming to the conference to be formational in the lives of others,” said Joseph.

Registration is now open for the first weekend, Steubenville Encounter—Houston, to be held September 14-16, 2018.

In 2019, Steubenville Encounters will also be held in Steubenville, Ohio, on May 18-19, 2019; Fort Worth, Texas, on August 16-18, 2019; and in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, date TBA.

For more information and to register for Steubenville Encounter—Houston, visit

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