The Office for Personal Vocation

Franciscan University of Steubenville

“The fundamental objective of the formation of the lay faithful is an ever-clearer discovery of one’s vocation and the ever-greater willingness to live it so as to fulfill one’s mission.”

—St. John Paul II, Christifidelis Laici, No. 58

Our world is suffering a crisis of loneliness, of purposelessness, depression, and anxiety. Our young people are facing challenges that previous generations never faced. Our Church desperately needs renewal, and the dignity of the human person is often forgotten.

But there is light in the darkness.

Franciscan University believes each person’s awareness of his or her unique vocation will not only transform the person but will also transform and renew our Church and culture.  

Through one-on-one mentorship, coaching, and formation programs for students, faculty, and staff, the Office for Personal Vocation strives to create a culture centered on the dignity of the human person.

We seek to remind our students that God is not off in a distant future, but here—today—in studies, planning, reflection, growth, and formation. We take the time to develop eyes that see and ears that hear. We understand the importance of the physical world, the creation that God has made—and made good. Like St. Francis, our mission is rooted in Christ Incarnate, who has redeemed the work of our hands and sanctified the toil of our labor.

What is personal vocation?

“Be who God made you to be, and you will set the world on fire”—St. Catherine of Siena

Everyone has a unique and unrepeatable role in salvation history, and everyone was chosen for a specific time and place. In this context, a person can come to know his or her personal vocation. 

Personal vocation is the unique and unrepeatable way a person is drawn to love and be in relationship with God.  

By looking at each person’s life and story, gifts and talents, one comes to know his or her personal vocation. We all experience the universal call to holiness, but the way in which that call is spoken personally—and each personal response—is utterly distinctive.

Join us in our efforts to revitalize the culture!

Personal vocation is more than a state of life. Many understand vocation only as a call to the priesthood, religious life, or marriage—but a full perspective of personal vocation dives deep into the heart of each person. State of life is an intrinsic element of personal vocation and can orient daily decisions.

But God does not wait for young people to discern a religious calling to show them that they are fearfully and wonderfully made, that they were created with purpose, and that their life is worth living to the full.

At Franciscan University, we are committed to providing opportunities and mentorship for our students so they can not only graduate with a clear path to success but also with a deep confidence to be who God made them to be. 

What is the practical application of personal vocation?

“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit, there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.”—1 Corinthians 12:4-7

God has given every person unique gifts, and the Holy Spirit inspires every person to use those gifts. For some, its a passion for writing, public policy, or biology. Others have keen insights into data analytics, managing a team, or philosophical thought. 

In one exercise implemented by the Office for Personal Vocation, students share stories of times they experienced authentic fulfillment. Through sharing, they identify and reflect on how these stories reveal how God designed them to be.

Stories are characteristically part of Franciscan spirituality. We know so much of St. Francis’ life—and the way he impacted the Church—through the stories told about him. Stories inspire hearts. When students share their stories, they begin to see how the Holy Spirit has been at work in their lives.

We’re here to help. We’re here to ask questions, to walk alongside, to provide encouragement and support.

The Office for Personal Vocation is the organizational umbrella for Career Services, Missionary Outreach, Student Leadership, and the Student Work Opportunity Program. Additionally, we collaborate with academic departments, the Priestly Discernment Program, Student Life, and other university programs to foster a culture where students can grow in a holistic understanding of their personal vocation.

David Schmiesing

Dean for Personal Vocation

Dr. Joshua Miller

Director of Programming and Coaching, Office for Personal Vocation

Living Your Personal Vocation


This seminar is open to Franciscan University online students (age 26 and under).

Over the course of 14 weeks, the seminar forms students to discern and fully live their personal vocations. They will learn to see their personal vocations as distinctive calls to participate in God’s plan of restoring all creation to himself. 

This seminar is highly interactive, emphasizing practical ways to discern and live personal vocation. Each student will have the opportunity to work with a trained coach for the duration of the semester. Students will gain key lessons for navigating college well and flourishing in Christ throughout life.

Contact Online Admissions to learn more!

Online Admissions

From Our Students

Sophia Lebano

“I am eternally grateful to this seminar for bringing me my best friends and helping me make the most impactful decision of my career. Before I started this seminar, I was somewhat lost in life, but here I met 14 new best friends and completely changed my future. I’ll forever be thanking this seminar for the fruits it has given me.”

Braden Johnson

“This has been the most beneficial and exciting class I have taken my whole life… This class has helped me discover and live from the deep desires that God has placed in me.”

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