Fr Dave Pivonka Sitting in Christ the King Chapel Pew
Read it in the Summer 2019 issue of Franciscan Magazine

The first time I stepped foot on the campus of Franciscan University of Steubenville, it was still known as the University of Steubenville. That was 33 years ago.

I remember driving through the steel mill in downtown Weirton, over the sketchy old Fort Steuben Bridge across the Ohio River. I passed houses and buildings that had seen better days, and I noticed a unique odor in the air that I would later learn was the smell of jobs.

As I made a right-hand turn and proceeded up the hill to campus, I had mixed emotions. I was both excited about what was in store for me and nervous not knowing what to expect. I knew the Lord wanted me to be at the University of Steubenville, but that didn’t mean I didn’t have butterflies in the pit of my stomach as I reached the top of the hill.

On Monday morning, May 27, I made that drive to Steubenville again, this time as the newly elected president of Franciscan University. I noticed many changes. The highway now bypasses Weirton’s downtown, and the modern Veterans Memorial Bridge has replaced the rickety Fort Steuben. University Boulevard boasts several new businesses as well as a hotel, restaurants, and a coffee shop in the brand spanking new Franciscan Square. I saw signs of new life all around. So much had changed.

But not everything.

As I made the right turn up the very same hill I had traveled decades earlier, my feelings were pretty much the same. I felt both excited about what was in store for me and nervous not knowing what to expect. I knew the Lord wanted me to be at Franciscan University but that didn’t stop the butterflies.

But butterflies and all, I can’t express what an honor it is to represent my alma mater as the president.

I spent three life-changing years at Franciscan before I graduated in 1989. So many people shaped and formed me: Erla, who ran the switchboard—when switchboards were still a thing—and handed out novenas and prayer cards like candy. Buzz, who worked in Physical Plant and had this way of making you feel like the most important person in the room. Dr. John Carrigg, whose World War II class brought you right into the action. And Father Augustine, who randomly pushed unsuspecting students into the snow (not that I hold a grudge). They and many others made a lasting impact on me simply by doing their work with a smile, offering a kind word.

Then, I joined Franciscan’s faithful faculty and staff myself during my early years as a priest, continuing to serve at Franciscan’s conferences and pilgrimages to the present.

Because Franciscan University has been such a significant part of my life, I am deeply moved that God has, as one friend said, passed the mantle of leadership on to me. I embrace this charge knowing full well that I am not alone. I join the dedicated faculty, staff, and friars as well as the many alums and friends who consider Franciscan’s mission a sacred trust and work together for the good of our amazing student body.

And that mission remains unchanged.

Franciscan University proclaims Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Faithfulness to the Gospel of Christ charts our direction and vision. We move forward confident that the Holy Spirit illuminates and empowers us to live the teachings of Christ and the Church joyfully.

Franciscan University is fully committed to dynamic orthodoxy. We remain faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, even knowing that this frequently puts us at odds with the dominant culture. We will continue, as St. Francis did, to engage our culture with charity, grace, truth, and compassion. We will not hide in the City on the Hill; rather our light will shine out to a world that longs for the light of Christ.

Father Dave, TOR

Franciscan Colored Seal
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