A bout a week ago, my mom sent around a list of questions on Facebook. It was one of those exercises encouraging people to share interesting or little-known facts about yourself. There were the usual questions:
Favorite meal? Thanksgiving feast or pizza.
Vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla, of course.
Present job? Dream job?
I sat with those last two questions for a minute: present job . . . dream
job. After a moment or two, I was sure. The answer to both questions was the same: president of Franciscan University of Steubenville.
It’s hard to believe it’s been one year. In some ways, it’s taken me a year to get accustomed to being the president. I’ll be at events, and the host will introduce the “president of Franciscan University” . . . “Oh, right, that’s me.”
The cool thing is that my present job is also my dream job. While there are some crazy parts to it, I have one of the most amazing jobs in the world. I get to be part of a University like no other. Every day . . . well, most days—but more on that later—I get to be with students whose faith truly inspires me. Young men and women who have a tremendous zeal for the Gospel, who truly desire to be holy, who serve those less fortunate than themselves, who love the Church, and who are really smart, hard-working students. Even having a simple cup of coffee with our students is an opportunity to grow deeper in my walk with the Lord and be inspired.
It’s also the people I work with
who make this my dream job. I am inspired by unbelievably talented, gifted men and women, in both faculty and staff, who could absolutely be making
a higher wage and getting more attention if they worked in the secular world. But they are totally 100 percent committed to and believe in the mission
of Franciscan University.
And it’s my dream job because, in the midst of a global pandemic, perhaps the greatest challenge we have ever faced, everyone—students, faculty, staff, and friars—came together. In the midst of the storm, they didn’t panic, but rather responded to what needed to be done with grace and charity. There is no way I am able to explain how inspiring this group of people has been. Their work, effort, and creativity over these last weeks has been nothing short of remarkable.
I never could have imagined that my first year as president would end the way it has. I have wondered a time or two if the dream has become a nightmare.
But then I run into Mary, and everything changes.
Mary is a senior. She has her car packed and is leaving campus for
home. She sees me walking, pulls
over, rolls down her window, and
says she is so glad to see me before she leaves. Tears are flowing down her cheeks as she shares that this is her last semester. My heart breaks for her, and I say how sorry I am that it ended this way. Her reply?
“I wouldn’t change anything. I have loved my four years here at Franciscan, and this was a perfect ending.”
She says she had just returned from her mission trip and that God had moved in such a powerful, transformative way. She shares a bit about how hard the ending has been, but she says that in the middle of it, Jesus has been so close to her that she is filled with gratitude.
I walk away humbled by her faith, her acceptance of God’s will, and her ability to see God working in what seems to be such an awful situation. In that brief encounter, I am once again reminded of what makes Franciscan University such a holy, special place, and how lucky I am to be here at this time.
Yep, pretty much a dream job—
and I can’t wait to see what the second year brings.
Father Dave Pivonka, TOR
President, Franciscan University of Steubenville