Not an incoming freshman or transfer student?
Check out the enrollment process for graduate students, international students, and online students.
You've been accepted to Franciscan University as a first-time freshman or transfer student—congratulations!
Follow these steps to officially become a Baron.
You're well on your way to joining the Franciscan family. Don't forget to celebrate!
Not an incoming freshman or transfer student?
Check out the enrollment process for graduate students, international students, and online students.
This will secure your place in the residence halls and classes and is a payment towards your first bill.
While there is no deadline to place your deposit, you must deposit and mutually request your roommate for Fall 2025 by May 1st, 2025 to guarantee you’ll be housed together.
This gives you single sign-on access to your student email, your financial aid awards and bill, helpful groups and information, and eventually your class schedule and housing assignment and more.
Your preset username and password can be found in an email sent to you when you were accepted, or by contacting your admissions counselor.
Be sure to check the Admissions page for detailed next steps, and join the New Student Group!
The 2025–26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form will be available to the public on or before Dec. 1, 2024. Click here to learn more about the FAFSA process and get started. The financial aid office will use your FAFSA information to put together your financial aid award package with any grants, scholarships, and other aid that you qualify for. We are here to help make Franciscan affordable for you!
Contact [email protected] or your admissions counselor with any questions or needs.
Once you have committed to Franciscan, visit the Financial Aid & Student Accounts page on your Port account to confirm that you have completed all required forms, including the Master Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling if you are accepting any federal aid. Then, accept your awards by clicking on the Accept My Awards button on that page. This is non-binding, and you can adjust this anytime before you pay the bill. Contact [email protected] with any questions.
If you have placed your housing deposit, your next step is to complete the New Student Housing Application via your Port account or by clicking the link below. This is where you will complete a roommate matching profile, search for or request a roommate, and select your meal plan. Roommate requests must be made for Fall 2025 by May 1st, 2025 to guarantee placement. Floor plans and photos of the residence halls can be found on the Resources tab on the Admissions page on your Port account.
The Registrar office will pre-register new students in December for the Spring semester and in May for the Fall semester based on your declared major and any transfer credits you have already earned. Your schedule will be listed under the Academics and Registration page on your Port account.
Contact [email protected] with questions, or wait to meet with an academic advisor at Baron Day or Orientation to make changes to your schedule.
This exam offers students with a proficiency in a foreign language to test out of some or all of the language requirements. Four semesters of a foreign language are required for all Bachelor’s of Arts degrees.
However, we encourage ALL majors to take this exam before Orientation or early in your first year here as you may change your major in the future.
This form must be completed prior to Orientation if you will be living on campus. There is also a voluntary Health Record form that is strongly encouraged to complete so that this information is on file in case of an emergency. Both forms can be found on the residence portal, under the Applications. Visit the Baron Health and Wellness Center page or contact [email protected] with any questions about our Health Center and Counseling Services.
As a newly admitted student, we invite you to begin the career discernment process NOW! Even before you step foot on campus, the very critical first step for all students is to take the PathwayU assessment. PathwayU uses a series of self-assessments and a predictive matching algorithm to make recommendations for careers that align with your interests, values, personality, and workplace preferences. We highly recommend completing this assessment before Baron Day and Orientation so that you will be well positioned for our Career Services team to guide you on your personal vocation journey. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Click here to start your PathwayU Assessment.
Click here to see a short video about how PathwayU will help you with your career search!
You can pick up your Student ID card at Baron Day or Orientation. You will use this card to access your residence hall, to swipe for meals and other purchases, and for printing services throughout campus. Incoming Fall students should submit your photo before Baron Day in June and your ID card will be in your orientation packet, otherwise you can come to the Enrollment Services Counter in Starvaggi Hall to get your ID photo and card upon your arrival.
Detailed information regarding photo submission will be provided in early 2025.
Baron Day is a pre-orientation event for accepted Fall students, held on June 12-13 and 19-20, 2025, to help you get familiar with campus, complete next steps, finalize financial aid and paperwork, and connect with future classmates! You can view class registration and housing information through the Port, and also get your student ID and talk to advising at Orientation if you can’t make it to a Baron Day.
These must be on file with Admissions before your first semester of classes begins, or you will have a hold placed on your account and you will not be able to register for the next semester until they are received. Send by mail to the Admission Office, or electronically to [email protected].
You can set up a payment plan, send a payee invite, and pay your balance through your Online Payment Center on the Financial Aid and Student Accounts page in your Port account.
The Fall bill or first payment is due July 15th. The Spring bill is due December 15th.
Contact [email protected] with any questions.
Your textbooks will be automatically ordered via Slingshot in December for Spring semester or late July for Fall semester, based on your class schedule. All NEW students are opted in to Slingshot, unless you manually opt out before the semester. Your textbooks are defaulted to hard copy rentals. Any textbooks you order ahead will be available for in-store pick up or waiting in your residence hall when you arrive on campus. If your class schedule changes, your textbooks will automatically change for you and you can make free returns the first week of classes.
Spring 2025 Move-in Day is Thursday, January 9th, 2025. Fall 2025 Move-in Day is TBD. Orientation programming follows through the weekend. Families are welcome to join! Check our website for details and schedule.
Contact [email protected] with any questions.
Follow @fusfall2025 on Instagram to ask admissions questions, meet future classmates, find a roommate, and stay up to date on next steps!