“Hey HBO, abortion isn’t a joke” | Father Dave Op-Eds
Abortion is a serious and sorrowful thing, but the new film ‘Unpregnant’ tries to make it a laughing matter and…
Abortion is a serious and sorrowful thing, but the new film ‘Unpregnant’ tries to make it a laughing matter and…
It is not only our country that is divided. Our Church also has become scandalously divided. There ought not be…
A college education isn’t salvation, but it should help lead students to heaven.
I sat with those last two questions for a minute: present job . . . dream job. After a moment…
The truth is, discipleship is hard. It’s a continual challenge. So, if you are struggling to follow Jesus right now,…
“This is the time of fulfillment.” Those are the first words Jesus speaks to us in the Gospel of Mark.
“Just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean it’s right.”
I love the view out my office window. I think it’s one of the best views of campus.
The story of salvation history, from first to last, is filled with accounts of God’s people waiting
“Father Dave, this is such a joyful, hopeful, Spirit-filled weekend. Thank you for saying yes!”