Corinne Purcell ’15
Interim Director of Admissions
I was raised in the Baltimore, Maryland, area as the oldest of six kids, and was blessed to be part of a vibrant parish where I fell in love with my faith, greatly influenced by Franciscan alumni. I was homeschooled through 8th grade, then attended Mount de Sales Academy for high school. I also lived in South Korea with my family for three years. My desire to grow and strengthen my faith with like-minded young people brought me to college at Franciscan, where I graduated in 2015 with a bachelor’s degree in Clinical Psychology and a minor in Theology. After a year of teaching preschool in Washington, DC, I came back to work in Admissions here at the place that so greatly influenced who I am today. The best parts of my time as a student at Franciscan include my study abroad semester in Austria, the sisterhood I found in my household, Stella Mariae, and my passion for mission work which I discovered on mission trips to Jamaica, Romania, and the local area. I look forward to being a part of your journey to Franciscan!