Aid to the Church in Need Receives Poverello Medal From Franciscan University of Steubenville
Aid to the Church in Need Receives Poverello Medal From Franciscan University of…
For more information about Franciscan University news and events, or to arrange an interview with one of our faculty experts, contact [email protected].
Aid to the Church in Need Receives Poverello Medal From Franciscan University of…
Showing of the Film La StradaOctober 14, 2016 STEUBENVILLE,OH—The Franciscan Film Society will…
Major Grant From Our Sunday Visitor to Fund Online Adult Faith Formation ProgramFranciscan…
Aid to the Church in Need to Receive Poverello Medal, Franciscan University of…
Franciscan University, D’Youville College Launch 3+4 Doctor of Pharmacy ProgramGraduates will receive degrees…
CCHS Graduate Emily Kissinger Awarded Amanda Looman Memorial ScholarshipSeptember 12, 2016 STEUBENVILLE, OH—…
Franciscan University Introduces New Online Master of Arts in Theology and Christian MinistryClasses…
Answering the CallMorals, Marriage, Mercy Focus of Defending the Faith ConferenceAugust 10, 2016…
Living Mercy Through the Gospel of LukeMercy Expresses God's Love for UsAugust 10,…
“Receive the Father’s Mercy“St. John Bosco Conference Draws Record Number of ParticipantsAugust 04,…