Aid to the Church in Need to Receive Poverello Medal, Franciscan University of Steubenville’s Highest Non-Academic Honor

Aid to the Church in Need to Receive Poverello Medal, Franciscan University of Steubenville's Highest Non-Academic HonorAgency provides material and spiritual aid to the suffering and persecuted faithful in over 145 countries.September 29, 2016 STEUBENVILLE, OH—The international charitable organization Aid to the Church in Need will receive the Franciscan University of Steubenville Poverello Medal at…

Franciscan University, D’Youville College Launch 3+4 Doctor of Pharmacy Program

Franciscan University, D’Youville College Launch 3+4 Doctor of Pharmacy ProgramGraduates will receive degrees from both universities.September 26, 2016 STEUBENVILLE, OH – Students at Franciscan University of Steubenville will be able to obtain a doctor of pharmacy degree through a new agreement with D’Youville College in Buffalo, New York. Under the 3+4 program, a maximum of…

CCHS Graduate Emily Kissinger Awarded Amanda Looman Memorial Scholarship

CCHS Graduate Emily Kissinger Awarded Amanda Looman Memorial ScholarshipSeptember 12, 2016 STEUBENVILLE, OH— Franciscan University of Steubenville has awarded the 2016 Amanda Looman Memorial Scholarship to Steubenville Catholic Central High School graduate Emily Kissinger. Kissinger, a freshman biology major at Franciscan University, is enrolled in courses that will prepare her for medical school. The annual…

Franciscan University Introduces New Online Master of Arts in Theology and Christian Ministry

Franciscan University Introduces New Online Master of Arts in Theology and Christian MinistryClasses Begin January 2017September 01, 2016 STEUBENVILLE, OHIO—Taking a major step forward with its online offerings, Franciscan University of Steubenville is now accepting candidates for its new Online Master of Arts in Theology and Christian Ministry. “This program prepares you to serve the…

Answering the Call

Answering the CallMorals, Marriage, Mercy Focus of Defending the Faith ConferenceAugust 10, 2016 STEUBENVILLE, OH—”What is a disciple? It is not someone who believes the right things or has the right materials and books. A disciple,” says Jeff Cavins, “is someone who is called by God to enter his family and become like him; to…

“Receive the Father’s Mercy”

“Receive the Father’s Mercy“St. John Bosco Conference Draws Record Number of ParticipantsAugust 04, 2016 STEUBENVILLE, OH – As in any presidential election, political tensions run high as voters evaluate the candidates. But instead of “looking to the Capitol dome to save us,” U.S. Congressman Jeff Fortenberry urged participants at the July 18-21 St. John Bosco…

Franciscan University Takes First Place in Forbes #MyTopCollege Social Media Competition

Franciscan University Takes First Place in Forbes #MyTopCollege Social Media CompetitionFranciscan won the “medium“ range, which includes schools with 2,000-15,000 students.August 04, 2016 STEUBENVILLE, OH—Earlier this summer, Forbes Magazine ranked Franciscan University of Steubenville among the top 10 percent of all colleges and universities in its annual list of America’s 660 “Top Colleges.” This marked…

Answering the Call

Answering the CallYouth Publicly Show Their Openness to Discerning Religious LifeJuly 25, 2016 STEUBENVILLE, OH – This summer, more than 50,000 participants at Steubenville Youth Conferences will encounter Christ in new ways at one of 23 conferences held across the United States and Canada. Taking an extra step in acknowledging God’s will in guiding their…

Father Paul Check Speaks on Ministering to Those With Same-Sex Attraction

Father Paul Check Speaks on Ministering to Those With Same-Sex AttractionFather Check is the executive director of Courage International, an apostolate of the Catholic Church for persons with same-sex attraction.July 19, 2016 STEUBENVILLE, OH – A leading expert on the Catholic Church’s teaching about homosexuality spoke to priests, deacons, and seminarians at Franciscan University of…